Sandsford Law
Provide key details to ensure your wishes are clearly documented
I confirm thatI have not been diagnosed with an illness recognised as being capable of affecting testamentary capacity (e.g. dementia, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease etc)I do not have concerns as to my mental capacityNo concerns have been expressed by anyone else as to my mental capacity (e.g. confusion, forgetfulness or a marked change in personality)I have not had a recent physical or emotional traumatic event
Please tell us about the Testator ( the person for whom the Will is being made)
What is your full legal name?
- Please list the names of beneficiaries and their relationships to you.- How do you want your estate to be divided among your beneficiaries (e.g., equally, by percentage, or specific gifts to certain people)?
Within your Will, you can make a donation to charity, and you can also gift money and personal possessions to friends and family.These are known as "Gifts" in your Will.
We will arrange a free consultation with one of our Team for you.
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions