Sandsford Law

Last Will and Testament Questionnaire

Provide key details to ensure your wishes are clearly documented

Declaration of Testamentary Capacity
Personal Information

Please tell us about the Testator ( the person for whom the Will is being made)

What is your full legal name?

  Find my address


Guardianship (if applicable)

Do you have children under 18? If so, who would you like to appoint as their legal guardian(s) in the event of your death?


Please list your pets
Who would you like to look after your pet(s) after you are gone?


Who do you wish to leave your estate to?

- Please list the names of beneficiaries and their relationships to you.
- How do you want your estate to be divided among your beneficiaries (e.g., equally, by percentage, or specific gifts to certain people)?

Will Contestation Considerations

Specific Gifts and Legacies

Within your Will, you can make a donation to charity, and you can also gift money and personal possessions to friends and family.
These are known as "Gifts" in your Will.

Residuary Estate


Funeral Wishes


Debts and Liabilities

Digital Assets


Property and Assets in the UK

Foreign Property and Overseas Assets


Business Interests (if applicable)

Family Business Succession (if applicable)

Charitable Donations

Long-Term Care and Disability

We will arrange a free consultation with one of our Team for you.

Additional Questions

Personal Messages and Wishes
